En la oficina legal de Branes Law Group, A Professional Corporation, estamos dedicados a unir a las familias a través de sus peticiones familiares y también en ayudar a las empresas con visas de empleos. También tenemos experiencia con casos de deportación. Nuestra empresa puede representar a clientes de cualquier parte del U.S.A., y en el mundo, debido a la naturaleza federal de la ley de inmigración.


Las visas de inmigrante se expiden a los que quieren venir permanentemente a los Estados Unidos. Para calificar para este tipo de visa que usted debe cumplir con ciertos requisitos. A continuación se muestra una lista de varias visas disponibles para aquellos que quieren inmigrar permanentemente a los Estados Unidos. Por favor llame para más detalles.

El Sr. Branes hizo un gran trabajo representando a mi esposa en su caso muy difícil. Sin dudas, yo le recomendaría a el para ayudar a cualquier persona con problemas de inmigración.


Peticiones Familiares

UCiudadanos estadounidenses pueden solicitar cónyuges, padres, hijos y hermanos. Los residentes permanentes pueden solicitar para los cónyuges e hijos. Si los beneficiarios están en los EE.UU., cuando el número de visa está disponible, son elegibles para solicitar la tarjeta de residencia en los EE.UU., que se llama ajuste de estatus. Si están en el extranjero o no es elegible para ajustar su estatus en los EE.UU., pueden obtener su visa / tarjeta de residencia permanente a través del Consulado de Estados Unidos, que se llama procesamiento consular. Para los solicitantes que anteriormente tenían violaciones de inmigración, pueden solicitar para los perdones de I-601 o I-212.

Green Card as a Special Immigrant

Special immigrant green cards are designed for workers that will increase the productivity and diversity of the country but are not covered by other types of employment-based visas. Every year, there are only 10,000 special immigrant green cards available, and non-clergy religious workers are ineligible to receive more than half of this reserve.

Some of the categories of people who might qualify for a special immigrant green card are unmarried children under 21 who are in need of protection or services, workers for certain religious organizations who have been employed for at least two years, and foreign medical graduates who have been in the United States since before 1978. For those seeking special immigrant status, the requirements and documentation required will vary based on what specific category the person falls into.


Las Solicitudes de Refugio y Asilo

Las personas con un temor bien fundado de persecución por motivos de raza, religión, nacionalidad, pertenencia a un determinado grupo social u opiniones políticas pueden ser elegibles para solicitar asilo o estatuto de refugiado de los EE.UU.

Green Card for Human Trafficking and Crime Victims

In order to provide immigration relief for those trafficked into the United States, a new category of immigration status has been created called T nonimmigrant status (often called the “T Visa”). This allows victims of human trafficking and other extreme crimes to remain in the United States for up to four years when they comply with law enforcement and assist with the investigation and prosecution process of human trafficking facilitators.

Those who receive a T Visa are able to receive work permits, can qualify for state and federal benefits in some cases, and are provided a path to green card status. The recipient will receive four years of lawful immigration status, four years of employment authorization, and can then apply for permanent residency if certain conditions are met. They can also petition for T visas for other family members whether they are located in the United States or abroad.

Green Cards for Victims of Abuse

Under the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), those who are currently living in the United States and suffering abuse may self-petition for a green card. If the victim was not living in the United States, if they were abused by a United States citizen or permanent resident while present in the United States, they may also be able to apply. The issuance of these visas depends on the relationship of the person to the abuser, but are generally extended to spouses, parents, and unmarried children under the age of 21. Additionally, the recipient must be cooperative with law enforcement to assist with the prosecution of their abusers.

This type of green card will allow the recipient to receive the opportunity to work in any occupation, the ability to leave and re-enter the United States while carrying your green card, as well as some state and federal benefits that are awarded to United States citizens.

Green Card Through Registry

In some situations, if an immigrant has been residing in the United States for an extended time period, they may be able to receive what is called a green card through registry. The person must have been present in the United States since January of 1972 (either lawfully or unlawfully) and be eligible for naturalization. The person must be able to provide their birth certificate, a government-issued photo ID, evidence that they entered the United States before January of 1972, and evidence that they maintained continuous residence in the United States since their arrival.

Those who apply are required to fill out Form I-485 (Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status) and are also able to apply for a work permit while their case is in process using Form I-765.

Green Card Renewals

If you are awarded a green card, it is important to keep it up-to-date to avoid any lapses in your legal status. If your card is invalid, it may be difficult to prove your residency status and accept employment in the United States. It is recommended that you start the process between 5 and 6 months before your card is scheduled to expire. If you apply too early, the USCIS may reject your application—but if you submit it too late, it may not be renewed in time for you to receive your new card before the old one expires. Waiting too long to renew can impact your employment, your eligibility for travel outside of the United States, your driver’s license renewal, and your home mortgage process.

If you have a 10-year green card, you will file Form I-90 (Application to Replace Permanent Resident Card), which is the form for renewals despite the name. For those with a two-year green card, you will have to file I-751 (Petition to Remove Conditions of Residence) or Form 1-829 (Petition by Entrepreneur to Remove Conditions) depending on your specific situation. Additionally, the list of supporting documents you must provide will vary on your situation, especially if you have had a name change due to marriage or divorce.

Diversity Immigrant Visa Lottery Program

DV-1 Visas (the "Green Card Lottery")

The Immigration Act of 1990 made it possible for up to 50,000 lawful permanent resident visas to be awarded each year through a randomly selected Diversity Visa Lottery. This lottery is only open for applicants during certain periods and is designed to diversify the United States’ immigrant pool and provide those without immediate family or special situations a path to citizenship. Around 13.3 million people submit their applications every year.

To be eligible, the person has to be a resident of a low-admission country, which is defined as a country that has fewer than 50,000 people admitted to the United States over the previous 5 years. Additionally, out of the visas that are awarded, no more than 7% can go to residents of any one country. Applicants must have a high school education (or equivalent), at least two years of qualifying work experience, and must be admissible to the United States under the Immigration and Nationality Act.  

While the chances of winning the lottery are slim, being selected does not guarantee that the person will be admitted to the United States, and instead only gives them the opportunity to apply. The person who wins the lottery is still required to go through electronic and in-person screenings before they are awarded their visa, which applies to any family members they petition to bring to the United States as well.

¿No es esto lo que estás buscando? Usted puede aprender más acerca de los demás servicios de inmigración y ley de nacionalidad que nuestra firma ofrece aquí.